So like I said before on Friday at 12:53 p.m. I received an amazing email stating that I was going to be working a Disney as FSFB. Obviously this was great news! So I called and text everyone that knew how much I wanted to go. Then it was off to softball practice. Later on that night I paid my fees and now its official! I start my program on August 8th and I end on Jan 6th. My mom has told everyone that I know that I am going to be working at Disney. I have been hearing a lot of congratulations lately and I always tell them thank you I am excited. But to tell the truth the excitement hasn't really hit me yet. Today my best friend Lauren had a Superbowl party with all of my friends from my hometown and it was a blast! I am going to miss them sooooo much. But anyways yeah I can't wait!!! I promise my next post will be soon. Until then have a great day that’s full of pixie dust!
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