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Monday, May 30, 2011

Well It's Officially Summertime!

This week August participants were able to sign up for classes. Unfortunately my school is lame and I don’t get credit for the classes :( . But being the overachieving student that I am, I decided that I am going to take a class just for fun! I figured since I wasn’t receiving credit I am going to take the class that seemed to be the most fun! So I am taking…

 Exploring Disney Heritage!
-The website describes the class as… Take a journey back in time discovering the roots of The Walt Disney Company. Learn about Walt's vision through exploring historical milestones. I am excited! I can't wait. I am taking the class on Thursdays from 4 to (well I don't remember what time it ends).
Right now I am enjoying my dad by relaxing and watching the free DVD that Disney sends out. I just can't wait until I am there again! Only 64 days until I am there for vacation and 70 days until I check in! Until then I am just trying to enjoy summer! Ballgames, Amusement parks, movies and of course work will occupy my time until August! My best friend has an idea to throw me a Pirate themed going away party! I dont know if it will happen but I hope it does! I hope everyone is enjoying your summer and I hope you have a zip a dee doo dah day!!!

I apologize for the strange font and the white squares around the text. At the moment my blog hates me and will not cooperate!





Thursday, May 12, 2011

Whats next?

Well Courtney, You have just received your associates degree what are you going to do next?
(Okay so I apologize for the speaking about myself in third person, and trust me it drives me insane when people do that too! But hey what the heck, I thought it was a cute!)
Anyways I just took my last final at Southeastern Illinois College. It’s kind of been a bittersweet week.  I am so excited for the summer and of course starting the DCP in 88 days!  But I’m a little bit bummed. After playing college softball for 2 years I am really sad to see it end. This year our team was blessed with a great coach and I can’t wait to go back and watch the falcons next spring.  It’s difficult knowing that I might not see the people I have spent my last two years with again for a very long time. I will miss them very much; they have truly been like my second family. But on a brighter note I am excited to meet my new friends at Disney! I know that we are going to have a great time together!
To my friends from SIC I’m going to leave you with the lyrics of a Hannah Montana song (and pictures of course!) I apologize for the giant picture of Ellie and I. It is invisable and I can't find it to get rid of it. Sorry!
Here we are now
Everything is about to change
We face tomorrow as we say goodbye to yesterday
A chapter ending but the stories only just begun
A page is turning for everyone

So I’m moving on
Letting go
Holding on to tomorrow
I’ve always got the memories while I’m finding out who I’m gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You’ll be with me wherever I go
Wherever I go

So excited I can barely even catch my breath
WE have each other to lean on for the road ahead
This happy ending is the start of all our dreams
And I know your heart is with me

So I’m moving on
Letting go
Holding on to tomorrow
I’ve always got the memories while I’m finding out who I’m gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You’ll be with me wherever I go

Its time to show the world we’ve got something to say
A song to sing out loud we’ll never fade away
I know I’ll miss you but we’ll meet again someday
We’ll never fade away

So I’m moving on
Letting go
Holding on to tomorrow
I’ve always got the memories while I’m finding out who I’m gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You’ll be with me wherever I go

So I’m moving on
Letting go
Holding on to tomorrow
I’ve always got the memories while I’m finding out who I’m gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You’ll be with me wherever I go